If you are used to walking with your hair down or just pulling it up in a ponytail and you think that making some interesting hairstyle is too difficult and time-consuming, then this article is for you. Summer is coming, which means it’s time to try something new.
We’ve picked 10 quick and easy braid hairstyles. Read how to make them further, in our publication. This hairstyle will suit romantic natures with long or medium length hair. It will look appropriate for young girls.
With this hairstyle, you can go to school, walk or go to a cafe. To make one flower from hair, you will need 2 small elastic bands, a pair of invisible ones, and three minutes of free time.
A bun of braids is a very simple hairstyle, but at the same time, it looks quite elegant. You can wear such a bundle both to the office and to any celebration.
It will take you no more than 10 minutes to do this hairstyle. You will also need some rubber bands, hairpins, and hairspray.
The fishtail braid looks textured and stylish. This hairstyle will suit girls with hair below the shoulders. You can do a tight braid and get a neat braid, or you can stretch the strands, loosen the hair tension, and make your look more relaxed and natural. The “fishtail” looks especially interesting on highlighted or bronzed hair since this weaving favorably emphasizes the play of different shades in the hairstyle.
It will take 5 minutes to make a fishtail braid, as well as a comb and hair tie.
This hairstyle will suit those who like to wear their hair loose. It’s a quick and stylish everyday option. The advantage of this hairstyle is that you can demonstrate to others the beauty of your hair, and, at the same time, the curls will not get in the way of your face.
To create this look, you need an elastic band and a hairbrush. This hairstyle is based on fishtail weaving. The free-falling part of the hair can be curled with a curling iron.