Give in to an impulse and get bangs! Familiar to every girl, regardless of hair length and face type. If you also have the same irresistible desire, and at the same time you are the owner of a round face, then the material on bangs for a round face and the advice of SalonSecret experts are for you!
To determine what type of face you have, just go to the mirror and arm yourself with a ruler or a measuring tape. Your task is to determine the ratio of the length and width of the face. If the face is round, its length and width will be about the same.
Additional signs of a round face: a rounded neat chin and a low forehead.
Bangs by themselves can solve many problems: disguise too high or, on the contrary, low forehead, hide skin imperfections, correct the oval, and also help to lose several years.
Chubby girls are lucky: almost any form of bangs will suit them – with rare exceptions. You can choose your bangs based on your preferred clothing style, hair color, and, of course, haircuts. But the main thing is the mood: any bangs can give a very special feeling of beauty and personal perfection!
A round face should be visually extended to balance the proportions, and the right bangs will do the job perfectly! So what kind of bangs suit a round face? Straight bangs will add the necessary vertical to a round face.
But remember, chubby girls need to cut straight bangs: too even and clear bottom border of the bangs will negate all efforts to “pull” and make the proportions heavier.
The oblique line of the bangs adds dynamism to the features and, of course, also visually stretches it. Oblique bangs can be either short – to the eyebrow line, or elongated – to the middle of the ear or the lower cheekbone.
A non-standard bang line that flies up, then breaks down, incredibly refreshing the image. The same rule works here as with the usual straight bangs: anything you like, just not clear outlines. Thinning is necessary to lighten the proportions!
If the style allows, take a closer look at this option: it looks young and also does an excellent job of stretching the proportions. The torn bangs are easy to style, and the eyes, combined with it, start to glow by themselves!